
As silly as it sounds, I love to take photos of photography, or photography-related content. This is a quick look into some of the things I photograph.

The camera goes where I go

When I’m out and about, my camera is with me. While many think they’d rather enjoy the moment and not worry about taking a photo, I can’t wait to see the world through the lens. Framing the world this way has made it so much more manageable for me. I focus for longer periods and have a lasting memory of my time. The camera doesn’t hinder my enjoyment in the world, but rather adds to it in a more lasting way.

Unique & Antique

Diving into the world of Vintage Cameras

Those are probably the two most important words when I’m taking photos. I always look for things that are both unique and antique. This items become the focal point for many of my adventures. Finding something with these attributes is almost always a sure way to end up finding yourself in an adventure. Of course, as you can imagine, I love loitering around antique shops and questioning the owners about every little detail in the items I find. The answers lead me from one store to a website, and then ultimately to someone else in the world — someplace I’ve never heard of, but most surely the next place on my list of destinations.

Destination unknown

From the tops of buildings to the depths of the ocean, I’ve had to overcome a great many fears to find my courage and explore the world. Finding the right item to go searching for, or the right frame for my next picture has lead me to places unknown.

And so I go. It’s all about the adventure. It’s all about something learned and something found. I can write about it anywhere, share my experiences, and publish my findings all thanks to WordPress.